It was a boooooring day as a guard in the SCP facility. Making sure the SCPs didnt escape and the class Ds did their jobs. i''t was lunch time and me and my buddy Felix were eating in his office, Then the lights go out and we hear screaming and gunshots and sounds everywhere. I grabbed for my flashlight I keep in my vest and turn the light on, Felix is staring at me and Im starring at him. we heard running down the hallway behind us and decided to get the fuck out of there. we were running down the hallways, trying to find the way out. We turned around and I saw a massive form standing there, I shot at it and the bullets just bounce off or dont harm the creature. Felix shouts "Don't Blink!" we both starred at it. I blinked, but It didnt come any closer. I guess felix had his eye on it too. then he sneezed and I turned and looked at him, I hear a horrorable screaching along the floor and turn to see the figure standing over me. I screamed and fell to the ground and Felix screamed. I somehow managed to get up before the thing could kill me or Felix and we walked out of the corridor backwards. We walked through a door andf felix locked the door behind us with his key card. then I feel a warm hand touch my back, and a soothing voice that says, "I can cure you." I turn around and see a figure wearing a old doctors robes and mask, I grab his arm and throw him on the floor, then I bull out my gun and shoot the thing in the face. I dont know if it even hurt him. we just kept runningafter an hour or too, we got outside. I clutched my rifle and we continued to walk. the militairy had shown up at this point, "shit, How are we going to get through?" I ask, we sit for hours behind a truck, waiting for a break. We feel the earth shake, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! the milltairy officers screamed and started to shoot, more explosions. we run and I look to see a lardge mass smashing trucks and killing men by the dozens, I throw up and feel sick. I look at the task ahead. a 20 ft tall fence to scale, we began to climb, the monster killing more and more men. A militairy hummer flew by us and toppled the fence with a devistating blow, Thud. we were on the ground. the monster nowhere to be seen. but the thing we saw earlier was there. I looked up and saw it, It was holding a sign that said "FREE HUGZ" I grab fleix by the arm and begin to drag him through the sand until its out of view. for sure its out of sight, we focus on getting out of the (CLASIFIED) desert.''
''3 days later, we got back to civilization, we changed our names, moved out of the country and try to start over. Its been 3 years. and I still see the sign "FREE HUGZ" on the street corners.''